Arts Academy Program 9+
- Academy of Arts levels
- Pencil drawing - two levels
- Basics of watercolor photography - two levels
- Basics of oil photography_three levels
- Portrait drawing - three levels
- Drawing and photography techniques - three levels
Pencil drawing level 1+2
The student learns the basics of drawing with a focus on the value of line and shape as means of accurate expression. This level initially deals with the simple elements of drawing and identifying three-dimensional shapes and the reflection of light from them. Then, he moves to the stage of constructing a work of art based on light and shadow using a live model or statue to produce a different young work. Touches and elements
Watercolor photography basics level 1+2
This level includes the basics of drawing with watercolors and mixing colors to obtain the required grade, in addition to mastering the techniques of drawing and coloring using watercolors. In each session, children will learn a new and different technique and method for preserving the beauty and transparency of colors while drawing a variety of subjects such as flowers and landscapes. Live models or statues and many more
Oil color photography level 1+2+3
It began with an introduction to the basic concepts of mixing and blending colors and how to use and deal with them, so that students learn to draw using oil colors to explore techniques that help them produce a work of art. We rely on a statue or living nature, moving on to producing works of art inspired by world-class artists, with a focus on light and shadow, their degrees and real proportions, to add a character. Realism in their artistic works
Portrait drawing 1+2+3
The complete guide to realistic portraiture and drawing the human figure. Young artists will be trained to draw the human figure with different simple features, characteristics, and poses, moving on to more complex ones, using pencils and different materials and colors.
Drawing and photography techniques 1+2+3
Starting with an introduction to the basic concepts of mixing and blending colors and how to use them, so that the student learns to draw and paint using these colors to discover techniques that help them in producing a work of art based on a picture of a still life or a statue, moving on to more complex topics inspired by international works of art, with a focus on light, its degrees, and real proportions to add Realism in their artwork
Each level includes 6 training sessions. The number of training session hours ranges from two hours to three levels. Students who pass all levels of the program are awarded an accredited certificate.
Pencil drawing | Watercolor painting 60 dinars Oil painting Portrait drawing | Drawing and photography techniques 70 dinars