Every place has a story...and every story has a beginning
Every place has a story...and every story has a beginning
The story of the Haya Cultural Center begins many years ago with His Majesty the late King Hussein in 1976...

He loved the children of Jordan and wanted to give them a safe place to discover their talents, expand their horizons, hone their personalities, and learn new skills.

The story of the Haya Cultural Center begins many years ago with His Majesty the late King Hussein in 1976...
On the day His Majesty the King celebrated his birthday

He had what he wanted when the former Empress of Iran, Farah Diba, gifted this center to the children of Jordan. On that happy day, the King and Queen Alia opened it in the presence of Princess Haya bint Al Hussein, whose name the center was later honored to bear.

On the day His Majesty the King celebrated his birthday
Our story is fun and entertaining.

We innovate and hone our talents, express ourselves and meet new friends, increase our self-confidence and learn from the experiences and stories of others, expand our perceptions and obtain new information. Ultimately, we travel to new horizons of creativity and imagination.

Our story is fun and entertaining.
Every story has parts, and the new part of our center’s story began in 2014

When the center witnessed extensive improvements and renovations that included all facilities, the center became more advanced and capable of providing its services to children.

Every story has parts, and the new part of our center’s story began in 2014
Some children who visited us many years ago

Today they come to visit us with their children, and we are confident that today's children will grow up to build a beautiful future for our country and will come to our center with their children as well.

Some children who visited us many years ago
Every story has an end, but our story at Haya Cultural Center is an ongoing story and you are the heroes...
Every story has an end, but our story at Haya Cultural Center is an ongoing story and you are the heroes...